Friday, January 3, 2014

On Fridays

On the seventh day of creation, God rested; on Fridays, the Lemiere family rests, too. We've been doing this since we moved to Vancouver at the end of September last year (that would be 2013). At first, we felt guilty to be resting when there was so much we thought we should be doing, and it was a challenge to decide what to do with our time when we weren't scrambling to squeeze in a bit of work here and there. Now it's starting to feel normal: breakfast, coffee, reading, long walks, games, antiques, groceries, movies, and time with friends. This day changes my entire week. I can honestly feel my heart resting in the calm of the storm, learning how to be in the moment. Tomorrow, I'll be finishing up my class prep for the frenzy of a quarter that I have ahead of me, and I'll write another blog too. Until then, make a break everyone.

Don't let his face fool you. Eric loves Fridays, too! :)

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