Let there be, and it was so. Just like that. We are His dream, and His vision; we are His masterpiece come true. What kind of majestic being could have dreamed up such complexity, such enormity, such beauty, such mystery? Every tiny detail we are, every tiny detail we know and will ever, or never, come to know rested within Him before His very words brought them to be.
If only I could read chapters 1 and 2 over and over again, forever. They remind me of the wonder of every single thing, and they fill me with an undeterminable amount of admiration and hope that maybe I could take after Him, as His child. I want to look into this world and say, let there be light; I want to feel and know how good it is when I take a step back; I want my heart to be full of His good dreams that come to be; and, I want to rest from it all in a sweet and pleasant sleep that only comes from the deepest security of knowing all is well and lovely in the presence of God.
God, I praise you for your complexity, your enormity, your beauty, and your mystery. I wonder at who you must be, the artist of all things! I long to be a part of what you dream and what you bring into being by the mere movement of your lips. I thank you for these origins and gifts that you give; I thank you that this story is what we long for, and that you have created a way to bring all creation back together for good.
You have beautiful insight, Amber, and I love your wonder for this section of the Bible. I hope and feel encouraged, because I'm created in His image, that I can be creative like God and create something out of the raw materials I have. He's the best artist, maybe we can be too. ;)